29 Sep Anissa Bouziane ’96 Presents First Novel at Columbia Global Centers, Paris
Anissa Bouziane ’96, a Writing Program alumna, has published her debut novel, Dune Song. While the book was originally written in English, it is first being published in Morocco in a French translation (the title in French isLe Chant de la dune).
The novel tells the story of a woman who leaves New York for Morocco after she witnesses the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11.
To mark the occasion of the book’s publication, Bouziane participated in a talk on Moroccan literature at the Columbia Global campus in Paris on March 22. The event focused on “the emergence of a contemporary Moroccan literature and what this literary movement reveals of the creative, cultural and socio-political trends of the country,” according to the website of Reid Hall, the Columbia Global venue. Joining Bouziane was the Moroccan-born author Abdelhak Najib.
Bouziane will also be appearing in a roundtable at the Paris Book Fair on March 24 (tonight).